
Welcome to the Basepair blog, your go-to source for the latest news and insights in genomics research. Our team of experts regularly publish articles and case studies on a wide range of topics, from new technologies and emerging trends to best practices and tips for successful genomic analysis. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or just starting out in the field, our blog is designed to keep you informed and up-to-date with the latest developments in genomics.

Trimming for RNA-Seq data

Quality trimming decreases the overall number of reads, but increases to the total and proportion of uniquely mapped reads. Thus, you get more useful data for downstream analyses. Too aggressive quality trimming can negatively impact downstream analysis (in our example, estimation of gene expression). Hence, our own findings and that of the research community motivate the incorporation of a light amount of trimming in RNA-seq data (we use a Q threshold of 10).

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Life Before & After Basepair

Our team of bioinformaticians and developers have spent over 15 years conducting NGS data analysis before starting Basepair. During the ol' manual NGS data analysis days, there were some good times... and there was also plenty of frustration. Much of NGS data analysis...

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