For Sequencing Service Providers

Bundle best-in-class analysis with your best-in-class sequencing

Sell NGS analysis solutions without additional hires or infrastructure

As a company, you pride yourselves on your state-of-the-art facilities and fast turnaround times. You’re experts in next-generation sequencing, and you’ve established a reputation in the field for quality results, always. You take on occasional custom analysis projects if customers request it, but your bioinformatics team is small, or busy with in-house R&D. You would offer NGS analysis services on a bigger scale, but you do not have the team or the infrastructure, nor the time to build it out.

But what if you could offer analysis services as a sequencing provider without hiring more bioinformaticians, creating NGS pipelines, or maintaining systems and servers? With Basepair’s white label analysis service, you can do just that.

Don’t just give your customers FASTQ files. Give them results, fast


Some of your customers have internal resources for NGS analysis, but many of them turn to external providers who can take weeks to analyze data. Why not offer customers analysis services that are faster and cheaper than those of external providers?

With Basepair, you can give your customers a comprehensive NGS solution, from sequencing to analysis results, at about the price an in-house sequencing core would charge. And because all of our pipelines are automated, they take just a few hours — not weeks — to run.

When you integrate Basepair’s analysis service with your sequencing services, all you need to do is give your customers a link to your portal. This portal is branded with your logo and colors and includes many automated pipelines that your customers can run on their own.

Grow your customer spend. Increase your profit margins



Analysis services aren’t your moneymaker — sequencing is. We get that. But money matters. We get that, too. By integrating with Basepair, you can have a positive impact on your bottom line.

First, you can generate more revenue by engaging the customers who would normally go elsewhere for analysis after they complete their sequencing with you. Second, thanks to the automation Basepair provides for most common pipelines, your bioinformatics teams can be free to focus on more complex tertiary analyses if they do take on custom projects.

Best of all, Basepair has an agile team that works quickly. Our solutions are already running and ready to be integrated with your services. Reach out to learn just how fast you can start offering additional analysis service to your customers.

Find out how you can increase revenue by offering analysis services to customers.