Explore Basepair’s curated collection of resources for NGS data analysis in our Knowledge Center, or read the latest company updates on our blog.
Visit Basepair’s YouTube Channel to gain in-depth insights into our platform and learn how to maximize its potential. Our video tutorials and demonstrations provide step-by-step guidance on utilizing the full range of features offered by Basepair, helping you streamline your next-generation sequencing analysis. Whether you’re a new user or looking to deepen your expertise, our YouTube channel is an invaluable resource for optimizing your experience and achieving the best results with our cutting-edge technology.
Visit Basepair’s Case Study Center to explore our collaborative successes and the impactful work we’ve accomplished with our partners. Our detailed case studies showcase how we address diverse challenges in next-generation sequencing analysis, providing innovative solutions and insights. Additionally, our resources on data governance highlight our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data security, privacy, and compliance.
Want to analyze your own NGS data? Give Basepair a try.
Our intuitive interface and automated pipelines are easy to use, even for researchers with no bioinformatics experience.