
Welcome to the Basepair blog, your go-to source for the latest news and insights in genomics research. Our team of experts regularly publish articles and case studies on a wide range of topics, from new technologies and emerging trends to best practices and tips for successful genomic analysis. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or just starting out in the field, our blog is designed to keep you informed and up-to-date with the latest developments in genomics.

The Hidden Limitation of Bioinformatics

The Problem Bioinformatics has hit a ceiling. There are only three ways to analyze the volume of genomic data being produced in the world's research labs by today's modern sequencers from Illumina and newer instrument manufacturers such as Element Biosciences,...

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How automated workflows simplify NGS analysis

NGS Data Analysis Bottlenecks One of the biggest bottlenecks in next generation sequencing (NGS) today is data analysis, which is surprising, considering that we have massive compute available at our fingertips, the available infrastructure to process thousands of...

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Use of NGS in Cell and Gene Therapy

Introduction Cell and gene therapy have emerged as promising approaches for the treatment of various diseases. These innovative therapies involve manipulating cells or genes to restore or enhance their function. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) plays a crucial role in...

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Visualizing your NGS results with Basepair

Writers write, painters paint, genomics researchers… wait patiently for bioinformatics pipelines to finish processing NGS data, only to spend as much time visualizing results? As long-time researchers and bioinformaticians, we’re well aware that in NGS data analysis,...

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